Saturday, February 25, 2012


I'm playing around with Linked Servers in SQL Server 2K and when linking to an Oracle Database I'm having very slow response time. If I just query the whole table with out a WHERE statement, it seems to go at a decent rate. If I include any parameters whatsoever, it goes horribly slow. I have used the four part name scenraio and the openquery scenerio. Also I get Date errors occasionally which could probably be corrected if I change the format of the date. Any ideas why the linked server acts so slow? If I use a DTS extract I can query the database any way I want and it runs fine. But I cannot do this because so much data changes in these particular tables in the Oracle DB that I need a live connection.1) ------------------
For your date problem, I sympathize !

I've got about the same date problem (format is not the same in both of my Databases)
I've decided to use varchar(26) types in my SQL Server db.
You should consult my threads fore more info on the dates
maybe it will give ideas !

2) ------------------
For the perfs problem maybe it's due to :
- no indexes on the "where columns"
- too much transformations to do on all the date columns
- not using pre-compiled queries

You should post your query so we can see it

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