Saturday, February 25, 2012

Oracle Data Source Problem: Cannot connect during deployment. Help!

I am developing an SSAS project which looks at an Oracle database but I cannot for the life of me get it to process.

This is one of those awful Oracle connectivity problems!

Now, in the DataSource, I can edit and the test connection works perfectly. Every other application can connect to the Oracel server correctly. The problem comes when I try to deploy my project. I get errors left right and centre. They even change between attempts! Most common is TNS name resolution error:

Error 1 OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified. 0 0

Yet, as I have said, when I test the connection everything is OK. And I can use the same connection details in every other application. What is so different about the deployment operation that means it cannot find the connection configuration?

I have tried all the providers, impersonation etc. FYI: the main method for getting the Oracle connection details is through LDAP.

OK.. I found a work around.. I put the connection details directly into the tnsnames.ora file and everything went smoothly again!

So, why does the deployment processing not look at sqlnet.ora when everything else does, including the UI/designer? I am just worried things might get difficult in a production environment.

The other interesting thing is that this has worked from my other machine, so their must be some Oracle config somewhere? Any Oracle connectivity experts out there?


If you running 64 bit be aware of this thread as well -->

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