Friday, March 30, 2012

Order by with Insert into?

I'm selecting records from a table and inserting them into another existing table

Use DSRBQ000
INSERT INTO dbo.db_table_information
Select Table_Name, Column_Name + ' ' + Upper(data_type) +
CASE WHEN data_type IN('binary','char','nchar','nvarchar','varbinary', 'varchar') THEN '('
+ Cast(character_maximum_length AS varchar(10))+')'
WHEN data_type IN('decimal','numeric') THEN '(' + Cast(numeric_precision as varchar(3)) + ','
+ Cast(numeric_scale as varchar(3))+ ')'
Else ''
End +
CASE WHEN columnproperty(object_id(table_name),column_name,' IsIdentity')= 1 THEN ' IDENTITY' +
'(' + Cast(ident_seed(table_name) AS varchar(10)) + ',' + Cast(ident_incr(table_name) AS varchar(10)) + ')'
Else ''
End +
CASE WHEN is_nullable = 'YES' THEN ' NULL'
END 'Column_Definition', ordinal_position
from information_schema.columns
where table_name IN(select distinct table_name from information_schema.tables where table_type = 'BASE TABLE')
and table_name NOT IN('dtproperties','dbo.db_table_information')
order by table_name, ordinal_position

I'm trying to first order by table_name and then ordinal_position. However, when viewing the table that it data is getting inserted into, I notice that even though it is ordered by table_name, sometimes a row is out of order according to ordinal position.

Is there a valid reason for this? Are you not allow to select the order from which a recordset gets inserted into a table? If thats the case, how can I update the db_table_information and save it so it is in table_name, ordinal_position order?Inserting a sorted record set is usally a wast of time as there is most likely an index in place. When you issue a select your result set will be based on the clustered index or first non-clustered index created for the table.

If you always want db_table_information to be in table_name, ordinal_position order then create an index on those attributes.|||figured out why this occured.. i defined ordinal position as char instead of a number.|||DOH! If only these computers would do as we want rather than do as we ask the world would be a better place!

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